cPanel is a popular web hosting control panel that simplifies server
management and website administration. However, as with any online
service, security is of utmost importance to protect your server and
data from potential threats. cPanel...
When migrating from one cPanel server to another cPanel server it's
easy and automatic, but if you need to migrate your email from an old
host without cPanel it's not automatic, but there's still an easy way
to do it with this tutorial.
First, download ...
cPanel makes it very easy to migrate between servers. If done
properly, most likely there won't be any downtime.
In this tutorial, we'll break it down into 3 parts
A) Preparing the new server
* Setup the hostname. You can either use the same hostn...
If you are trying to redirect from
[] to
[] this requires a special
.htaccess config to avoid creating a loop. You can use t...
The CWP Panel is one of the best control panel in this field. The
simplicity itself, is the important point for this control panel. We
already discussed a lot of topics for cPanel. The installation steps
are also quite simple.
In computer networking, a ...